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Dogs can also suffer from prostate disease



November is now known as ‘Movember’ as men all over the world are donating their upper lip and doing their bit for charity this month by

growing moustaches to help raise awareness and funds for men’s health, specifically prostate and testicular cancer. But maybe not so well known is that it is also Canine Prostate Awareness Month as well.

Edward Davies from Victoria Vets Veterinary practice in Holmes Chapel and Sandbach is urging owners of mature male unneutered dogs to the get them checked for prostate disease.

Recent research shows that at least 80% of unneutered dogs over five years old are likely to be sufferers. Symptoms can include constipation, lameness and difficulties in urination but often no signs are seen, with countless dogs suffering in silence. Prostate disease can be easily diagnosed and in most cases can be easily treated.

Edward explained: “Movember is such a fantastic campaign and if it helps get just one more man to look after their health and get regular checkups then it will be well worth it. However we are also concerned about male dogs as well, not everyone will be aware that older dogs can also suffer from prostate disease and may not realise how potentially serious it can be. Fortunately, both testing and treating is usually simple and we would be more than happy to discuss any concerns owners may have. ”

The Victoria Vets team is on hand to give advice and explain the most effective ways to screen and monitor your dog for the condition.

For more help or information, contact Victoria Vets in Holmes Chapel (01457 852367) or Sandbach (01298 812066).